

When you have a solidly written contract with another party, it’s the best preventive measure you can take to preclude problems in the future. The Andre Law Firm P.A. in Miami employs its vast experience in commercial law to ensure that such transactions are firmly rooted in accepted legal practices and drafted and executed to your best advantage.

A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties in which they stipulate certain actions, either to do or not do something. There are two main types of contracts you can encounter in the conduct of your business.

The first, a contract for the sale of goods, is governed by the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which contains regulations pertaining to both the merchant and the customers.

The second is more informally guided by a state’s established common law, and encompasses any type of agreement between parties that does not involve the sale of goods. Common law contracts span everything from real estate to employment to leases.

A poorly written contract will invariably lead to problems, while an effective contract can forestall almost any dispute that may arise in the course of business. That’s why it’s vital that you engage legal representation with an extensive background in all types of contract law.

Andre Law has helped numerous businesses improve the contracts which they use to establish and operate their enterprises. Our firm has advised and guided businesses in enhancing all types of agreements, including vendor agreements, employment contracts, and customer agreements, so that when a dispute occurs, those businesses are protected and can avoid costly litigation.

We also possess extensive experience with commercial lease transactions, ensuring that your long-term interests are protected.

When you need a law firm that can safeguard your legal rights in all areas of contract development and negotiation, turn to Andre Law Firm.